
About Sumita

Sumita considers herself as a writer for all reasons. She has written most of her adult life starting with a book of stories at the age of eleven. After an unsuccessful attempt to get into journalism school Sumita fell head first, into advertising copywriting and that started an affair of a lifetime (at the risk of sounding a tad cheesy). Today Sumita is a not so lean and mean writing machine displaying capabilities in many styles. Check out the offerings on display and do get back to her with your feedback and requests for writing work -

The reflection

Film opens with a blank screen. SOUND: Low humming in a woman’s voice interspersed with gentle laughter INTERIOR – STUDIO APARTMENT It is late at night. A middle-aged woman is walking around in her small, neatly furnished living room. Dressed casually in shorts and a T-shirt she’s talking...


130 hours in Jordan

The first thing that you feel in Jordan once you land is, goose bumps. Not just the tiny ones on your arm because of the cold air whistling through your nostrils, ears and other orifices but the type that makes your senses go bump with...


Grated at the edges

He was sitting all huddled up in what seemed like an old blanket pretending to be a not-so-old shawl. All I could see was heavy lidded red-rimmed eyes, sallow cheeks and cracked lips peeking from under a robust, hearty mustache. Faint traces of sunlight turned the...