
About Sumita

Sumita considers herself as a writer for all reasons. She has written most of her adult life starting with a book of stories at the age of eleven. After an unsuccessful attempt to get into journalism school Sumita fell head first, into advertising copywriting and that started an affair of a lifetime (at the risk of sounding a tad cheesy). Today Sumita is a not so lean and mean writing machine displaying capabilities in many styles. Check out the offerings on display and do get back to her with your feedback and requests for writing work -

Luck, destiny and the speed of life

My luck has a tendency of sometimes outrunning me. When I speed up to catch it, destiny fails to keep up. It is really annoying, this constant slowing down and speeding up. Leaves me exhausted and completely messes up the overall equilibrium of things.  For example, the day I decided to go on a romantic date with Fey I had everything planned out. My luck was doing an even pace and it seemed things would be just fine. But then my destiny decided to take a breather and stop to smell the roses and Fey fell into a vat of wine and came out looking purple. We had gone grape crushing and the pips tickled his toes so much that he just fell over laughing.  Till date the sight of anything purple gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I have always favoured luck over destiny. That’s because with luck, the result is instantaneous and that gives me such a high. I hate to admit it but I’m one of those for whom instant gratification always scores. What can I say, I’m shallow. Destiny is such a slow starter,  takes years to warm up and that’s such a deal breaker. I mean why would it take seven years for me to get a promotion. Yo promotion gods and that dumb line on my palm which says a promotion is in the works…stuff it! Don’t need no promotion if it takes so long.

Looking back now I find that there are times when I should’ve caught luck by the scruff of its neck and forced it to listen to me. Maybe I would’ve got off the slow lane and moved into the faster lane of life if I had a bit of luck in the tailwind. But destiny interrupted the course of my thinking by forcing me to make ‘sensible’ decisions. But now that I’m older and okay with throwing caution to the winds, I’m ready to run at the speed of luck.  Did you hear a quiet giggle? That must be my destiny!

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