
About Sumita

Sumita considers herself as a writer for all reasons. She has written most of her adult life starting with a book of stories at the age of eleven. After an unsuccessful attempt to get into journalism school Sumita fell head first, into advertising copywriting and that started an affair of a lifetime (at the risk of sounding a tad cheesy). Today Sumita is a not so lean and mean writing machine displaying capabilities in many styles. Check out the offerings on display and do get back to her with your feedback and requests for writing work -

Deep learning saves lives

One of the most defining aspects of this century is the mass of data that is available everywhere. Using this data competently and analysing it is one of the many things that deep learning (DL) does. From fighting cancer by studying its pathology and patterns...


AI, now playing near you!

Artificial Intelligence has emerged from the realm of science fiction and become a part of the millennial way of life. The factory of the future is taking shape in Japan and it is being built on an AI platform. End to end. Here, robots will...


50 shades of negative

Besides the fact that some people exude negativity there is also a shade of negative that is not very overt but lies deep within the texture of the human soul. I call it the 50th shade because it is so light that it is barely...


Cardiotrack on the CSR path

From skill development to potable water to rural banking to healthcare….CSR funding has been sought vociferously by the government, government aided bodies and non-governmental organizations. The argument put forward is that companies should transcend beyond just profit and loss and become corporate citizens by taking...


Butter chicken moment

“On July 11, 1979, the world watched as Skylab, America’s first manned space station, hurtled towards Earth. With the massive orbiter nearing re-entry, reactions on the ground ranged from fear to celebration to commercial opportunism.” ……….Elizabeth Hanes, ACT ONE Like every eighteen year old I too...


The Smile

Announcer: This is a story about a relationship between a little Tibetan boy and the mountain where he takes his goats for grazing. Background sounds of monks chanting interspersed with birds chirping and the wind rustling through the trees…there’s an overwhelming sense of purity in the...


Some words have textures

Yes they do. Try saying haberdashery a few times and you can feel it roll around awkwardly in your mouth till you have to either spit it out or gulp it down, whole. I have a lot of problem with words that have to be pushed...


Rendezvous at night

In the rear view mirror the Audi looked like a beast with red rimmed eyes, crouched low and ready to spring. Intermittent menacing growls rattled the air around. I noticed that the moon was doing a flippetty floo everytime the beast honked. I looked up...