
About Sumita

Sumita considers herself as a writer for all reasons. She has written most of her adult life starting with a book of stories at the age of eleven. After an unsuccessful attempt to get into journalism school Sumita fell head first, into advertising copywriting and that started an affair of a lifetime (at the risk of sounding a tad cheesy). Today Sumita is a not so lean and mean writing machine displaying capabilities in many styles. Check out the offerings on display and do get back to her with your feedback and requests for writing work -

The Mustache

It arrived one morning, unannounced and not surprisingly, unheralded, on J's upper lip. Something about it was distinctly disturbing. How can someone live through forty odd years with an upper lip as smooth as a baby's bottom and then suddenly, this happens. It was perhaps...


The music in my head

There were drums playing  in my head on Thu. Usually it is the violin on Thursdays and the harmonica on Saturdays. I was a little surprised, maybe even perturbed, but the feeling didn't stay for too long. Someone needed to pay heed to the music...


The nation’s misery

The king had decided to reveal to all that he was naked. Never before had the citizens encountered something so strange. The guy who sold brinjal and okra beside the cycle repair shop exclaimed about it. His vegetables seemed exhausted and defeated by the time...


The alternate universe…is there one?

The reality of more than one universe is something that has long intrigued philosophers and physicists. Could someone lead parallel lives in two separate universes? It was when I saw The Matrix with its bold concept of conscious shifting transformation that the penny dropped. Seemed...


My fate…it’s blowing in the wind!

I realized one windy morning while looking out of the balcony that the ‘something’ which whizzed past my face with an angry buzz was my fate. Thankfully it was a  good day and I could quickly reach out and grab it before it could fly...


I have learnt that…

I have learnt that the maturity which comes with experience and wielding responsibilities increases the tensile strength of your emotions and your capacity to absorb stress and most importantly, deal with bullshit on a daily basis. That when my eyes and lips don't say the same...


Luck, destiny and the speed of life

My luck has a tendency of sometimes outrunning me. When I speed up to catch it, destiny fails to keep up. It is really annoying, this constant slowing down and speeding up. Leaves me exhausted and completely messes up the overall equilibrium of things.  For...